Research Article

Effects of Bisphosphonates on Osseointegration of Dental Implants in Rabbit Model

Figure 2

Surgical procedures of dental implant placement. (a) Straight incision on the sagittal crest is performed; (b) the epicranial aponeurosis is carefully dissected from the scalp to use it later for covering the dental implant; (c) after the subperiosteal dissection, the calvaria is exposed; (d) a 3.5 mm craniotomy is created with a trephine burr and a round burr leaving the inner table intact. Through this hole, the underlying dura is detached from the inner table using a small applicator and a Freer periosteal elevator; (e) a cylinder titanium implant (Straumann® SLA, 6 mm, Basel, Switzerland) is inserted, leaving 2 mm of the implant extracranially (f); (g) the extracranial part of the implant was covered with a resorbable membrane (Geistlich Bio-Gide®, , Wolhusen, Switzerland); (h) the epicranial aponeurosis was closed over the membrane with single interrupted sutures (Ethilon®); (i) the wound was closed with single interrupted sutures.