Research Article

Antimicrobial Potential and Phytochemical Screening of Clathria sp. 1 and Tedania (Tedania) stylonychaeta Sponge Crude Extracts Obtained from the South East Coast of South Africa

Table 4

Phytochemicals present in bioactive crude extracts of Clathria sp. 1 and Tedania (Tedania) stylonychaeta.

Dichloromethane : methanolEthyl acetate

Clathria sp. 1+
Tedania (Tedania) stylonychaeta+

Key: S(n) species code number: 1: tannins; 2: phenolics; 3: terpenoids; 4: anthraquinones; 5: saponins; 6: flavonoids; 7: alkaloids; +: present; −: absent; : no bioactivity of crude extract.