Research Article

The Effect of Pulmonary Rehabilitation on Respiratory Functions, and the Quality of Life, following Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting: A Randomised Controlled Study

Table 6

Measurements of mental and physical component summary on for patients in all groups.

Intervention (PR) GroupControl GroupTest resultsp valueEffect size (r)a95% Confidence interval
Median (Min-Max)Median (Min-Max)LowerUpper

Preoperative baseline69.50 (23.75-90)50.00 (15-92)0.3270.1380.1020.387
6th Postoperative Week37.00 (25.75-46.25)33.75 (18.75-43.25)0.0540.2710.0620.495
Test results
p value
Preoperative baseline67.25 (7.75-97.75)69.50 (3.25-89)0.4260.1120.1400.359
6th Postoperative Week60.50 (23.25-74.50)43.00 (19.25-68.50)0.0910.2380.0000.451
Test results
p value

PCS: SF36 Physical Component Summary; MCS: SF36 Mental Component Summary; Mann–Whitney test, Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. a.