Research Article

Predictors of Loss to Follow-Up among HIV-Infected Adults after Initiation of the First-Line Antiretroviral Therapy at Arba Minch General Hospital, Southern Ethiopia: A 5-Year Retrospective Cohort Study

Table 6

The log-rank estimate of variables among adult patients attending the ART clinic at Arba Minch General Hospital, Southern Ethiopia, 2019 ().

VariablesLog rank estimateVariablesLog rank estimate
values values

Age (in years)9.0010.003HGB0.0450.835
Marital status0.2930.961ALT0.7920.374
Educational status1.4570.692Level of adherence76.508<0.001
Religion6.1160.106Disclosure status6.4010.011
Occupation status3.6760.055CPT at start0.0010.981
Substance use1.7510.186No. of pills per day0.0410.840
Baseline weight (in kg)1.5960.206Initial regimen2.6590.447
Baseline WHO stage3.5610.059Regimen change9.8160.002
Baseline functional status2.3520.308Side effect6.4240.011
TB at start1.2030.273Treatment duration154.68<0.001
OIs other than TB1.2210.269Treatment failure1.6200.203
Baseline CD4 count0.7400.390EFV vs NVP based2.3290.128

ALT: alanine transferase; CD: clusters of differentiation; CPT: cotrimoxazole prophylaxis therapy; EFV: efavirenz; HGB: hemoglobin; kg: kilogram; NVP: nevirapine; TB: tuberculosis; OIs: opportunistic infections; WHO: World Health Organization; : chi square.