Research Article

Effects of Remimazolam and Propofol on Ca2+ Regulation by Ryanodine Receptor 1 with Malignant Hyperthermia Mutation

Figure 3

Caffeine concentration-dependent Ca2+ release in human embryonic kidney- (HEK-) 293 cells transfected with wild-type or mutant ryanodine receptor 1 (RYR1). Caffeine dose-response of Ca2+ release in HEK-293 cells transfected with wild-type or mutant RYR1. Data were normalized to the maximal response of each cell type. The vertical axis represents the percentage of maximal Ca2+ response, and the horizontal axis represents caffeine concentration (mM). Data are in mutants and wild-type. Circles and other symbols represent the wild-type and mutant RYR1-transfected groups. The response of (a) wild-type RYR1 and p.Thr84Met RYR1-transfected cells, (b) wild-type RYR1 and p.Ser2345Arg RYR1-transfected cells, and (c) wild-type RYR1 and p.Ala4894Thr RYR1-transfected cells to caffeine. Curves of all mutant RYR1-transfected cells were shifted leftward relative to those of wild-type RYR1-transfected cells.
(a) p.Thr84Met response to caffeine
(b) p.Ser2345Arg response to caffeine
(c) p.Ala4894Thr response to caffeine