Research Article

Inhibition of SDF-1/CXCR4 Axis to Alleviate Abnormal Bone Formation and Angiogenesis Could Improve the Subchondral Bone Microenvironment in Osteoarthritis

Figure 2

(a, b) The microscopic observation of Transwell assay shows that SDF-1 significantly induces BMSC migration. Scale bar, 50 μm. (c, d) The result of Alizarin red presents that SDF-1 promotes BMSC osteogenic differentiation. And inhibiting SDF-1 signaling by AMD3100 obviously reduces the number of mineral nodules. Scale bar, 100 μm. (e, f) Inhibition of SDF-1 signaling downregulated p-ERK expression of BMSCs in the osteogenic inductive medium. , , . , .