Research Article

Inhibitory Effect of Multimodal Nanoassemblies against Glycative and Oxidative Stress in Cancer and Glycation Animal Models

Figure 1

(a) Lowering of blood glucose in the presence of PFT-HSA-TFT-Cy7 (group 3) and PFT-Hcy-HSA-Cy7 (group 4) in the glycation animal model. value is <0.05. (b) Inhibition in tumor node in the presence of PFT-HSA-TFT-Cy7 and PFT-Hcy-HSA-Cy7 in the lung cancer animal model of the control group (A), cancer group (B), treatment group with PFT-HSA-TFT-Cy7 (D), and treatment group with PFT-Hcy-HSA-Cy7 (D). (c) Histological analysis of lung tissue section of the cancer animal model of a control group (E), cancer group (F), treatment group with PFT-HSA-TFT-Cy7 (G), and treatment group with PFT-Hcy-HSA-Cy7 (H).