Research Article

Marked Changes in Serum Amyloid A Distribution and High-Density Lipoprotein Structure during Acute Inflammation

Figure 2

Changes in HDL apolipoprotein levels after surgery. HDL fractions were isolated from patient plasma () before (PRE) and just after (POST) orthopedic surgery and on postoperative days (POD) 1, 3, and 6 or 7 by ultracentrifugation. Fractions were resolved by SDS-PAGE (4 μg/lane) followed by CBB staining. A representative profile is shown (a). Bands at 28, 12, and 8 kDa represent apoA-I, SAA, and apoA-II, respectively. Band intensities were semiquantified by densitometry. The intensities for apoA-I (b), SAA (c), and apoA-II (d) are shown as percentages of the summed intensity for all three bands. Values represent the mean, min, and max. , , and vs. POST by paired -test.