Research Article

Effects of Early Transplantation of the Faecal Microbiota from Tibetan Pigs on the Gut Development of DSS-Challenged Piglets

Table 1

Effects of DSS challenge and FMT on the intestinal index in piglets.

ItemsDSS-DSS+SEM value

Relative length of SI (cm/g)5.2575.4985.0035.7770.2310.0400.9570.264
Relative length of LI (cm/g)1.1951.2081.0921.2170.0560.2340.4090.333
Relative length of I (cm/g)6.4536.0736.0956.9930.2730.0490.9020.250
Relative density of SI (g/cm)0.7350.7480.7180.6830.0300.7220.1900.431
Relative density of LI (g/cm)1.673b1.688b2.125a1.707b0.0830.0240.0100.016
Relative density of I (g/cm)0.9080.9180.9720.8580.0350.1560.9630.094
Relative weight of SI (%)3.8624.0583.5983.9580.1860.1500.3410.666
Relative weight of LI (%)2.0032.0052.3152.0600.1150.2840.1260.277
Relative weight of I (%)6.0625.8656.0185.9150.2500.5550.9900.854