Research Article

Application of Weighted Gene Coexpression Network Analysis to Identify Key Modules and Hub Genes in Systemic Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis

Figure 3

Correspondence among individual dataset modules, merged dataset modules, and consensus modules. (a) Heat map of the correlation between module eigengenes and the clinical modules. Missing (NA) entries indicate that the correlations in the sJIA1 and sJIA2 datasets have opposite signs, and no consensus can be formed. (b, B1–B6): Correspondence of the sJIA1 dataset modules and sJIA2 modules. The Preservation heat map shows the preservation network, defined as one minus the absolute difference of the eigengene networks in the two datasets. The bar plot shows the mean preservation of adjacency for each of the eigengenes to all other eigengenes. (b, B7): Correspondence of the merged dataset modules and consensus modules. Each row of the table corresponds to one sJIA2 set-specific module, and each column corresponds to one consensus module. Numbers in the table indicate gene counts in the intersection of the corresponding modules.