Research Article

Diagnostic Accuracy of Metagenomic Next-Generation Sequencing in Sputum-Scarce or Smear-Negative Cases with Suspected Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Table 1

Clinical characteristics of enrolled patients.

NumberPTBNon-PTB value

Number of patients1074661
Age (years) ()<0.001
 Male, (%)5621 (45.65)35 (57.38)
 Female, (%)5125 (54.35)26 (42.62)
BMI ()<0.001
Smoking history0.205
T-SPOT.TB assay<0.001
Glucocorticoid usage0.383
Abnormality on chest radiograph0.801
 Upper lobe of left lung231211
 Lower lobe of left lung18711
 Upper lobe of right lung291316
 Middle lobe of right lung1459
 Lower lobe of right lung22814
 Hilum pulmonale110

Comparison between the left and upper and lower right and middle right lobe.