Research Article

Continuous Incisional Lidocaine in Pediatric Patients following Open Heart Surgery

Table 3

Baseline characteristics and univariate analysis.

Global ()Control group ()Incisional analgesia group ()

Age (months)48 (13-83.50)24 (8-60)63 (35-98.25)0.001
Gender: male (, %)107 (57.8%)48 (60.8%)59 (55.7%)0.548
RACHS1 score2 (1-4)2 (2-3)3 (2-3)0.033
Extubation in the OR (, %)131 (70.8%)42 (53.2%)89 (84%)0.001
Intravenous fentanyl (%)130 (70.3%)71 (89.9%)59 (57.3%)0.001
Days of intravenous fentanyl2 (1-3)2 (1-3)1.5 (1-2)0.001
Fentanyl dose (mcg/kg/h)1 (0.5-2)1 (1-2)1 (0.5-1.5)0.001
Intravenous midazolam (%)51 (27.6%)32 (40.5%)19 (17.9%)0.001
Midazolam dose (mcg/kg/min)2 (1-2)2 (1-2)1.5 (1-2)0.001
Intravenous propofol (%)30 (16.2%)18 (22.8%)12 (11.3%)0.044
Propofol dose (mg/kg/h)1.5 (1-2)1.5 (1-2)1.5 (1-2)0.065
Days of intravenous metamizol3 (2-5)3 (2-4)4 (2-6)0.001
COMFORT scale20.1 (18.7-22.3)19.2 (18-21.5)21.8 (20-23.5)0.001
ANALGESIA scale1.7 (1-2.6)1.5 (0.97-2.77)2 (1-2.5)0.805
Mechanical ventilation (hours)15.50 (6-24)12 (6-24)24 (3-36)0.198
PICU LOS (days)4 (3-6)4 (3-4)5 (3-8)0.002

Cualitative variables are expressed in numbers and rates. Cuantitative variables are expressed in medians and interquartile ranges. Significant differences in italic characters. : number of patients.