Research Article

Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory, Antipyretic, and In Silico Measurements of Sonneratia caseolaris (L.) Fruits from Sundarbans, Bangladesh

Table 2

Total content of secondary metabolites and approximate SC50 values of different radicals scavenging assays and RC50 of reducing power assay of S. caseolaris extract.

SampleTPC (mg GAE/g)TFC (mg QE/g)TTC (mg GAE/g)DRSA (SC50μg/ml)HPSA (SC50μg/ml)SRSA (SC50μg/ml)RPA (RC50μg/ml)

SC extract12261330876634780
Ascorbic acid151111428

TPC: total phenolic content; TFC: total flavonoid content; TTC: total tannin content; DRSA: DPPH radical scavenging activity; HPSA: hydrogen peroxide scavenging activity; SRSA: superoxide radical scavenging activity; RPA: reducing power assay.