Research Article

The Effects of Switching from Sevoflurane to Short-Term Desflurane prior to the End of General Anesthesia on Patient Emergence and Recovery: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Table 3

Patients’ intraoperative data.

Group-S ()Group-SD () value

Total inhalation anesthetic administration duration (min)0.608
Duration of sevoflurane administration (min)0.227
Duration of desflurane administration (min)N/A38 ± 14
10 minutes before replacement
 MAC (Ins/exp, vol %)0.81 (1.78/1.55)0.81 (1.80/1.57)0.860
 MAP (mmHg)0.474
 HR (beats/min)0.749
At the time of replacement
 MAC (Ins/exp, vol %)0.81 (1.76/1.54)0.80 (1.79/1.56)0.765
 MAP (mmHg)0.962
 HR (beats/min)0.758
10 minutes after replacement
 MAC (Ins/exp, vol %)0.81 (1.76/1.54)0.82 (4.93/4.23)0.733
 MAP (mmHg)0.367
 HR (beats/min)0.371
10 minutes before end of surgery
 MAC (Ins/exp, vol %)0.79 (1.74/1.53)0.80 (4.9/4.2)0.884
 MAP (mmHg)0.225
 HR (beats/min)0.277
At the end of surgery
 MAC (Ins/exp, vol %)0.77 (1.70/1.50)0.77 (4.80/4.23)0.914
 MAP (mmHg)0.681
 HR (beats/min)0.469

Group-S: sevoflurane group; Group-SD: sevoflurane-desflurane group; MAC: minimal alveolar concentration; Ins/exp vol%: inspiratory and expiratory concentration of sevoflurane and desflurane; BIS: bispectral index; MAP: mean arterial pressure; HR: heart rate; TOF: train of four; N/A: not applicable. Data are expressed as mean ± standard deviation.