Research Article

A Comparative Study of Asymptomatic Malaria in a Forest Rural and Depleted Forest Urban Setting during a Low Malaria Transmission and COVID-19 Pandemic Period

Table 2

Simple logistic regression models predicting P. falciparum (HRP2) Ag RDT strip test status.

VariablesCategoryNUnivariate models
Coef. (95% CI)p-value

CommunityaRural1882.782 (1.842-3.724)<0.001
Age (years)Median (IQR)
30 (12-50) years
307-0.005 (-0.017-0.007)0.409
GenderbFemale1870.176 (-0.336-0.688)0.501
Farm around the housecYes2593.059 (1.061-5.058)0.003
Occupationd (others = 3)Skilled251.023 (0.337-1.709)0.003
Semi- skilled31
Sleep under neteYes670.827 (-1.403-3.056)0.467

N: Number of observations, Coef: Coefficient, 95% CI: 95% confidence interval, aRural is the reference category, bMale is the reference category, cHaving farm around the house is the reference category, dOthers (sand miners, farmers, students, housewives, guards, jobless combined to form one category) is the reference category, eSleeping under net is the reference category.