Research Article

Comparison Effects of Propofol-Dexmedetomidine versus Propofol-Remifentanil for Endoscopic Ultrasonography: A Prospective Randomized Comparative Trial

Table 5

Associate factor for affecting satisfaction score of endoscopist.

VariableHigh-level satisfaction scores (%)95% CI value

Body movement-0.155-(0.292–0.011)0.034
 Yes91 (11.1)
 No17884 (47.2)
Induction time-0.57-(0.659–0.463)<0.001
 ≥7 min8215 (18.3)
 <7 min10570 (66.7)

Values are presented as frequencies (percentages). PD group: propofol-dexmedetomidine group; PR group: propofol-remifentanil group; CI, confidence interval.