Research Article

Surgical Treatment of Radiation-Induced Late-Onset Scalp Wound in Patients Who Underwent Brain Tumor Surgery: Lessons from a Case Series

Table 1

Patients’ clinical information.

Pt. #SexAgeBrain tumorLocCTxRTx (Gy/fx)FBDur (years)OperationsBFRTNRSCxCPf/u (years)

1F27GBRt TO54.0/30LD8LFX1MRSA(-)2
2F30AALt FO61.2/34(-)2.5R+PCO1(-)(-)1.5
3M70AODGLt TX50.4/28(-)0.5D+PC, LF+SG, R+FFO3Pseudo(-)1.5
4M62MetsLt FO30.0/10SS2R+LF+SGO1(-)(-)2.5
5M48AMVX61.2/34(-)14LFx2, R (partial)+FF, R+FFO4MRSE(-)1.5
6F24GBLt FTO59.4/33LD1.5(D+AD)x2, LF+SGX3(-)(-)1.5
7F36AARt PO62.6/39(-)3.5R+PCO1MRSAO10
8M49AODGLt FO59.4/33(-)11D+PC, R+PC, LF, FFO4Pseudo(-)2
9M38GBRt FO61.2/34LD6R+PCO1MRSE(-)10
10F38Olf NBLt FO54.0/30(-)2.5D+PC, R+PCO2MRSAO9
11F35ODGRt FO59.4/33(-)1R (partial)+PC D+LF, D+PC, FF, (D+PC)x2, R+PCO7(-)(-)12
12M20MGLt PX61.2/34LD1.5R+PCO1(-)O10.5
13M41AODGRt FPO63.0/42(-)3.5R+LFO1SV(-)9

Pt.: patient; #: number; Loc: location; CTx: chemotherapy; RTx: radiotherapy; Gy: gray; fx: fraction; FB: foreign body; Dur: duration; BFR: bone flap removal; TNRS: total number of revision surgery; Cx: culture; CP: cranioplasty; f/u: follow-up; M: male; F: female; GB: glioblastoma; AA: anaplastic astrocytoma; AODG: anaplastic oligodendroglioma; Mets: metastasis; AMMG: atypical meningioma; Olf NB: olfactory neuroblastoma; ODG: oligodendroglioma; MG: meningioma; Rt: right; Lt: left; T: temporal; F: frontal; V: vertex; FT: frontotemporal; P: parietal; FP: frontoparietal; LD: Lyodura; SS: Surgisis; LF: local flap; R: removal of the bone flap; PC: primary closure; D: debridement; SG: skin graft; FF: free flap; AD: allodermis; MRSA: methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus; Pseudo: Pseudomonas aeruginosa; MRSE: methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis; SV: Streptococcus viridans.