Research Article

Association of Atopic Dermatitis with Depression and Suicide: A Two-Sample Mendelian Randomization Study

Table 3

The causal effect of AD on suicidal ideation or attempt.

MethodOR (95% CI) valueNo. of SNPsStatistical power

IVW0.887 (0.751-1.048)0.158130.4131
Weighted median0.869 (0.695-1.087)0.218130.3801
MR egger0.980 (0.611-1.571)0.935130.0250.06
Weighted mode0.860 (0.576-1.284)0.476130.2151
MR PRESSO0.887 (0.751-1.048)0.184130.3911

CI: confidence interval; IVW: inverse variance-weighted; MR: Mendelian randomization; OR: odds ratio; SNP: single-nucleotide polymorphism.