Review Article

SARS-CoV-2 Transmission by Arthropod Vectors: A Scoping Review

Table 1

Major accepted respiratory routes of transmission [17].

Transmission routeElements involved and element characteristicsCharacteristics/definition of transmissionReferences

ContactContaminated handsSelf-inoculation of mucous membranes by contaminated hands[55]
DirectDeposited on persons.Virus transfer from one infected person to another[56]
IndirectDeposited on objectsVirus transfer through contaminated intermediate objects (fomites)[43]
Airborne dropletsDroplets (>5 μm)Short-range transmission[33]
Remain only shortly in the air (<17 min)Inoculation directe d’une personne naïve par toux/éternuements/respiration d’une personne infectée
Dispersed over short distances (<1 m)Deposition mainly on mucous membranes and the upper respiratory tract
Aerosol dropletsAerosols, droplet nuclei (>5 μm)Long-range transmission (LRT)[48]
Remain in the air for an almost infinite amount of timeInhalation of aerosols in a repairable size range
Dispersed over long distances (>1 m)Deposition along the respiratory tract, including the lower airways