Research Article

The Changes in Optic Nerve after Orbital Decompression Surgery for Thyroid Eye Disease and Case Reports of Ischemic Optic Neuropathy

Table 1

Baseline demographics and clinical features of patients with thyroid eye disease and controls.

Between-group comparisonSubgroup analysis: Surgical TEDa
ControlNonsurgical TEDSurgical TED valueNon-DONDON value

Patients ()3030524511
Eyes ()6060998316
Age (years)0.0570.012
Sex (male)13 (43.3)9 (30)23 (43.4)0.43917 (37.8)9 (81.8)0.020
Hertel exophthalmolmetry (mm)<0.0010.560
BROD (%)NA49 (49.5)36 (43.4)13 (81.3)0.010
FROD (%)NA50 (50.5)47 (56.6)3 (18.7)0.010
Intraocular pressure (mmHg)<0.0010.130
LogMAR visual acuity0.0740.005
EOM limitation (%)33 (55)66 (66.7)0.22052 (62.7)14 (87.5)0.100
EOM enlargement (%)47 (78.3)77 (77.8)0.98761 (73.5)16 (100)0.040
Mean deviation (dB)<0.001<0.001
Abnormal thyroid function (%)8 (26.7)20 (37.7)0.40016 (35.6)4 (36.4)0.999
Preoperative clinical activity score1 (0-2)1 (0-7)<0.0011 (0-7)2 (0-4)0.310

aFour patients had one eye in the non-DON group and the other eye in the DON group. BROD: bone removal orbital decompression; DON: dysthyroid optic neuropathy; EOM: extraocular muscle; FROD: fat-removal orbital decompression; LogMAR: logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution; NA: not applicable; TED: thyroid eye disease; ; median: range; number: percent. Significant values are shown in bold.