Research Article

Knowledge, Attitude, Practices, and Preparedness of Dental Professionals in Prescribing Nicotine Replacement Therapy

Table 3

Preparedness assessment of study participants regarding NRT.

Strongly agreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly disagree

I am confident in explaining the negative impacts of tobacco usage.21 (27.6%)45 (59.2%)7 (9.2%)2 (2.6%)1 (1.3%)
I am not confident in assisting tobacco users to quit with written information.5 (6.6%)17 (22.4%)22 (28.9%)26 (34.2%)6 (7.9%)
I am well prepared to help patients in tobacco cessation.15 (19.7%)31 (40.8%)23 (30.3%)6 (7.9%)19 (1.3%)
I understand tobacco has a role in the etiology of oral cancer.1 (1.3%)2 (2.6%)3 (3.9%)17 (22.4%)53 (69.7%)
I know what the tobacco cessation protocol is.17 (22.4%)32 (42.1%)20 (26.3%)7 (9.2%)0
I am not knowledgeable enough to introduce NRT for my patients.4 (5.3%)19 (25.0%)19 (25.0%)28 (36.8%)6 (7.9%)