Research Article

Implementation of a Teledentistry Platform for Dental Emergencies for the Elderly in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Chile

Table 1

Summary of sociodemographic variables of patients involved in this study by region. Standard deviation of age is provided in parenthesis. The lower the percentage, the higher the level of vulnerability.

Sociodemographic variablesBío-BíoAraucaníaMauleMetropolitanaAntofagasta

Mean age (years)70.67 (5.28)69.87 (8.49)71.55 (6.33)72.67 (6.34)70.84 (5.42)
 Not retired33342231
Health plan
Residence status
 Living alone3715130
 Living with family88161014912
 Senior residence1019
Vulnerability level
 Lowest 40%104141311606
 Between 40% and 60%23220136
 60% and higher826