Research Article

[Retracted] Electroacupuncture at Zusanli (ST36), Guanyuan (CV4), and Qihai (CV6) Acupoints Regulates Immune Function in Patients with Sepsis via the PD-1 Pathway

Table 3

Whole blood analysis.

WM groupEA group

WBC (109/L)30T010.26 (7.50, 15.30)11.06 (6.53, 14.73)-0.0300.976
T111.54 (8.77, 14.14)9.37 (6.04, 16.26)-0.7240.469
T211.74 (9.22, 15.37)8.67 (6.59, 11.76)-1.9800.048

NE%30T085.80 (74.45, 90.30)85.25 (83.28, 89.48)-0.1330.894
T182.80 (75.28, 86.05)81.10 (69.30, 86.05)-0.8060.420
T281.85 (73.85, 85.85)73.15 (62.88, 80.30)-2.3660.018

NE (109/L)30T08.25 (6.52, 13.91)9.70 (5.59, 12.59)-0.3700.712
T18.91 (6.84,11.48)7.70 (4.11, 13.78)-0.5620.574
T29.29 (6.88, 12.61)5.64 (4.50, 8.86)-1.9960.046

LY%30T07.90 (4.60, 15.28)6.45 (3.77, 9.93)-0.9390.348
T18.80 (6.35, 13.60)8.90 (5.43, 16.23)-0.0960.923
T29.95 (6.10, 13.15)12.80 (9.15, 19.10)-2.1660.030

LY (109/L)30T00.79 (0.37, 1.16)0.74 (0.45, 0.92)-0.8210.412
T10.93 (0.68, 1.69)0.92 (0.57, 1.30)-0.6800.496
T21.09 (0.72, 1.49)1.01 (0.89, 1.72)-1.0130.311

N/L ratio30T011.09 (5.03, 19.55)13.34 (8.55, 21.78)-0.9170.359
T19.10 (5.41, 14.05)9.10 (4.48, 15.09)-0.2220.824
T27.94 (5.51, 13.64)5.67 (3.19, 8.61)-2.3800.017

WBC: number of white blood cells; NE%: percentage of neutrophils; NE: number of neutrophils; LY%: percentage of lymphocytes; LY: number of lymphocytes; N/L ratio: ratio of neutrophils to lymphocytes; T0: before treatment; T1 and T2: three and five days after treatment, respectively. Data are presented as or median (IQR). Compared with the WM group, .