Research Article

[Retracted] Electroacupuncture at Zusanli (ST36), Guanyuan (CV4), and Qihai (CV6) Acupoints Regulates Immune Function in Patients with Sepsis via the PD-1 Pathway

Table 5

APACHE-II and SOFA scores.

WM groupEA group


SOFA30T07.50 (5.75, 10.00)7.50 (5.00, 11.00)0.994
T16.00 (3.00, 8.25)6.50 (4.75, 9.25)0.794
T26.00 (3.00, 9.00)5.00 (3.00, 7.25)▲▲0.107

APACHE-II: score of acute physiology and chronic health evaluation-II; SOFA: score of sequential organ failure assessment; T0: before treatment; T1 and T2: three and five days after treatment. Data were presented as or median (IQR). Compared with the WM group, ; compared with that before treatment, and ▲▲.