Research Article

Adolescent Mental Health Literacy Questionnaire: Investigating Psychometric Properties in Iranian Female Students

Table 2

Exploratory factors extracted from the AMHLQ.

FactorNoItemsFactor loadingsItems shareEigenvalues

Erroneous beliefs/stereotypes28Depression is not a true mental disorder.-0.7270.63912.57
30Only adults have mental disorders.-0.6960.608
29Mental disorders do not affect people’s behaviors.-0.6660.599
31The sooner mental disorders are identified and treated, the better.0.6570.618
33Mental disorders do not affect people’s feelings.-0.6450.592
32If a friend of mine developed a mental disorder, I would listen to her/him without judging or criticizing.0.6430.596
27If a friend of mine developed a mental disorder, I would not be able to help her/him.-0.6130.591
25People with mental disorders come from families with little money.-0.5830.533
23If I had a mental disorder, I would seek my friends’ help.0.5610.583
Knowledge of mental health problems6Mental disorders affect people’s thoughts.0.8010.7132.86
5Drug addiction may cause mental disorders.0.7280.627
7Brain malfunctioning may cause the development of mental disorders.0.6930.662
15One of the symptoms of depression is the loss of interest or pleasure in most things.0.6680.587
8Highly stressful situations may cause mental disorders.0.6210.596
16Alcohol use may cause mental disorders.0.6130.567
14The symptoms’ length is one of the important aspects to determine whether a person has, or has not a mental disorder.0.6040.562
3A person with depression feels very miserable.0.5730.601
17A person with anxiety disorder avoids situations that may cause her/his distress.0.5510.557
18Anorexia nervosa is a type of eating disorder that can lead to death.0.4910.491
13A person with an anxiety disorder may panic in situations that she/he fears.0.4870.625
4In bulimia nervosa, to compensate for overeating and to prevent weight gain, the person is forced to vomit or exercise vigorously, or use laxatives inappropriately.0.4430.493
First aid skills and help-seeking behavior21If a friend of mine developed a mental disorder, I would encourage her/him to look for a psychologist.0.7740.6211.49
20If I had a mental disorder, I would seek professional help (psychologist and/or psychiatrist).0.7710.637
19If a friend of mine developed a mental disorder, I would encourage her/him to go to a doctor.0.6870.463
12If I had a mental disorder, I would seek my family’s help.0.5880.627
26If a friend of mine developed a mental disorder, I would offer her/his support.0.5670.626
22If a friend of mine developed a mental disorder, I would talk to the form teacher or another teacher.0.5150.604
24If a friend of mine developed a mental disorder, I would talk to her/parents.0.4890.604
Self-help strategies9Good sleep helps to improve mental health.0.6290.3961.29
2Doing something enjoyable helps to improve mental health.0.5990.441
11Having a balanced diet helps to improve mental health.0.5690.683
10Physical exercise helps to improve mental health.0.5640.634
1Talking over problems with someone helps to improve mental health.0.4510.337