Research Article

Handgrip Strength Exercises Modulate Shoulder Pain, Function, and Strength of Rotator Cuff Muscles of Patients with Primary Subacromial Impingement Syndrome

Figure 6

Improvement in shoulder function, muscle strengths, pain, and pain-free active range of motion (AROM) in patients with primary SAIS treated with handgrip-strengthening exercise (experimental group) compared to patients treated with conventional physical therapy interventions (control patients group). Repeated measure ANOVA adjusted for age and gender showed significant improvements in pain (a), shoulder function (DASH score) (b), muscle strength IR (c), and ER (d) for with primary SAIS patients treated with handgrip-strengthening exercise at respective time intervals (4 weeks and 8 weeks), respectively, compared to patients treated with conventional physical therapy interventions (controls). The improvements in the syndromes of primary SAIS are time trend.