Research Article

Handgrip Strength Exercises Modulate Shoulder Pain, Function, and Strength of Rotator Cuff Muscles of Patients with Primary Subacromial Impingement Syndrome

Table 4

Effectiveness of the treatment duration on clinical characteristics: VAS, DASH, muscle strength, and pain-free active ROM measures, of patients with primary SAIS in conventional treated patients (control group) and handgrip-strengthening exercise treated patients (experimental group).

Clinical characteristics value (2-tail)
BLwk 4wk 8BL–wk 4wk 4–wk 8BL–wk 8

Pain VAS
 Experimental group<0.0010.004<0.001
 Control group0.0070.0300.003
Shoulder function-DASH score
 Experimental group<0.0010.008<0.001
 Control group0.0090.0170.003
Strength-Internal rotation
 Experimental group<0.0010.062<0.001
 Control group0.3190.3450.308
Strength-External rotation
 Experimental group<0.0010.139<0.001
 Control group0.3300.3560.335
Range of motion-Forward flexion
 Experimental group<0.0010.008<0.001
 Control group0.1280.0020.005
Range of motion-Abduction
 Experimental group<0.0010.002<0.001
 Control group0.2130.0010.009
Range of motion-Internal rotation
 Experimental group0.0010.1970.005
 Control group0.2190.1900.255
Range of motion-External rotation
 Experimental group<0.0010.1490.001
 Control group0.0520.1230.032

Data expressed as the . Wilcoxon signed rank test and Repeated Measure Analysis of variance (ANOVA).