Research Article

Quantitative Assessment Parameters of Peripapillary Regions with Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion by Using Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography

Table 3

The vessel density of superior BRVO.

Section density (%)BRVO eyeFellow eye value

S-Hemi capillary<0.001
S-Hemi all vessel<0.001
S-Hemi larger blood vessel0.003
I-Hemi capillary0.629
I-Hemi all vessel0.347
I-Hemi larger blood vessel0.193
NS capillary0.475
NI capillary0.254
IN capillary0.152
IT capillary0.535
TI capillary0.698
TS capillary<0.001
ST capillary<0.001
SN capillary<0.001
S capillary<0.001
N capillary0.963
I capillary0.641
T capillary0.045
G11 all vessel0.301
G12 all vessel0.003
G13 all vessel0.128
G21 all vessel0.916
G22 all vessel0.148
G23 all vessel0.853
G31 all vessel0.641
G32 all vessel0.253
G33 all vessel0.881

BRVO: branch retinal vein occlusion; S-Hemi: superior hemifield; I-Hemi: inferior hemifield; S: superior quadrant; T: temporal quadrant; I: inferior quadrant; N: nasal quadrant; NS: nasal superior sector; NI: nasal inferior sector; IN: inferior nasal sector; IT: inferior temporal sector; TI: temporal inferior sector; TS: temporal superior sector; ST: superior temporal sector; SN: superior nasal sector. G11-G33: the  mm area was divided into 9 equal parts, the three cells in the first row are named G11, G12, and G13; the three cells in the second row are named G21, G22, and G23; the three cells in the third row are named G31, G32, and G33. All data are presented as , was considered statistically significant.