Research Article

Prevalence and Associated Factors of Suicidal Ideation among Almeda Textile Factory Workers in Adwa, Tigray, Ethiopia: A Cross-Sectional Study

Table 3

Association between factors that associated with bivariate logistic regression ( value < 0.25) and suicidal ideation among Almeda textile factory production workers in Adwa, Tigray, Ethiopia, 2020 ().

VariablesSIAOR value

 Female282321.36 (0.48, 3.80)0.56
Marital status
 Single242032.17 (0.88, 5.93)0.13
 Divorced/widowed4153.45 (0.73, 16.43)0.12
Educational status
 Elementary2601.14 (0.07, 17.68)0.82
 Secondary9913.97 (0.35, 45.40)0.27
 Diploma241793.56 (0.35, 36.25)0.28
Working hour
 >48 hr241332.88 (1.18,7.04)0.02
 ≤48 hr122401
 Yes251361.11 (0.43, 2.88)0.83
Conflict at work
 Yes24863.54 (1.40, 8.90)0.01
Injury at work place
 Yes24695.95 (2.37, 14.94)0.00
Job satisfaction
 No282480.62 (0.22, 1.74)0.36
 Yes21663.90 (1.60, 9.50)0.00
Psychiatric history
 Yes2310.29 (0.85, 124.37)0.07
Medical history
 Yes8341.40 (0.41, 4.75)0.59

AOR = adjusted odds ratio; SI = suicidal ideation; 1 = reference; = value < 0.01.