Research Article

Cross-Sectional Study of Seroprevalence and Associated Risk Factors of Bovine Brucellosis in Selected Districts of Jimma Zone, South Western Oromia, Ethiopia

Table 5

Influence of management risk factors on seroprevalence of bovine brucellosis.

Risk factorCategory (+ve)Prevalence (%)Univariable analysisMultivariable analysis
valueAOR (95% CI) value

Management systemsIntensive14 (0)04.2560.119
Extensive90 (14)15.6
Semi-intensive10 (0)0

Herd sizeSmall44 (6)13.64.0120.135
Medium48 (8)16.7
Large22 (0)0

Frequent contact with other herdsYes98 (14)14.32.6060.016
No16 (0)0

Feeding styleSeparate (ref)60 (2)3.39.4130.002
Mixed54 (12)22.28.3(1.76-38.99)0.007

Source of replacement stockMarket39 (8)20.54.8430.089
Own15 (0)0
Both60 (6)0.1

Type of serviceAI42 (3)7.10.3060.858
Bull6 (0)0
Both66 (8)12.1

Types of the housing systemLoose15 (1)6.70.5050.477
Tying99 (13)13.1

Sources of waterUnderground13 (2)15.45.8760.209
Surface13 (3)23.1
Both40 (5)12.5
Tap water26 (0)0
Any available22 (4)18.2

Separate parturition penYes7 (0)00.7320.392
No105 (14)13.3

AI: artificial insemination; AOR: adjusted odds ratio; : chi square; CI: confidence interval; : number of observation.