
Corrigendum to “Six-Year Outcomes of 25-Gauge Chandelier Illumination-Assisted Scleral Buckling”

Figure 1

Examination result of case 10 before and after surgery. (a) Preoperative fundus photography showed retinal detachment and holes. (b)–(d) Fundus photography showed retinal reattachment, scleral buckle ridge, and cryoretinopexy scar at different times after surgery. (e) OCT demonstrated macular off and intraretinal cyst before surgery. (f)–(h) OCT showed macular reposition. (i) B-ultrasound confirmed retinal detachment. (j, k) B-ultrasound demonstrated retina reattachment and scleral buckle ridge. (l) 25-gauge chandelier insertion site was checked by UBM.