Research Article

An Immunogenic Cell Death-Related Gene Signature Reflects Immune Landscape and Predicts Prognosis in Melanoma Independently of BRAF V600E Status

Figure 4

Tumor microenvironment and TIICs in the ICD-associated subgroups of BRAF V600E WT SKCM cohort. (a–d) Violin plots display the median, and quartile estimations for each.ESTIMATE score (a), immune score (b), stromal score (c), and tumor purity (d) in two subgroups. , , and . (e) Violin plot visualizes the distinction of 22 immune infiltration cells between ICD-high and ICD-low subgroups. (f, g) Box plots present differential expression of multiple HLA genes (f), and immune checkpoints genes (g) between ICD-high and ICD-low subtypes. , , , and .