Research Article

Cell Cycle-Related Gene SPC24: A Novel Potential Diagnostic and Prognostic Biomarker for Laryngeal Squamous Cell Cancer

Figure 3

The construction of coexpression modules in R using WGCNA. (a) Module clustering dendrogram of GSE59102 and GSE51985. (b) Clustering of module eigengenes in GSE59102 and GSE51985. Under the red line was the merging threshold, and groups of eigengenes below it represented modules whose expression profiles should be merged. (c) Correlation between key modules and clinical features of GSE59102 and GSE51985. Blue module in GES59102 and green-yellow module in GSE51985 were most strongly correlated with tumor. (d) The scatterplot depicts the GS vs. MM in the blue module in GSE59102 and the GS vs. MM in green-yellow module in GSE51985. (e) Coexpression clustering heatmap of GSE59102 and GSE51985. The different colors of the horizontal axis and vertical axis represented different modules. The yellow area in the center of the image represented the connectivity of the different modules.