Research Article

Design and Development of a Hospital-Based Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) Registry in Iran

Table 2

The operational requirements of the CAD registry software.

Operational requirementsDescriptionSources

Case findingThe registry software should allow the registration of newly identified cases.Interviews 7, 8, and 13
Data collectionThe software should be capable of requesting information about the case they found.Interviews 3, 10, 12, and 14
AbstractingThe software should allow the recording of a summary and abstract of data.Interviews 2, 7, and 9
Data quality controlThe software should be capable of performing data quality control and identifying high-quality from low-quality abstracts.Interviews 4, 5, and 11
Follow-upThe software should be capable of providing a list of patients who require regular follow-up.Interviews 9, 10, and 15
Reporting capacityThe software should be capable of creating different reports, and if needed, sharing these reports with qualified care centers and individuals.Interviews 11 and 14