Research Article

Risky Sexual Behaviour among HIV-Infected Adults in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Table 2

A subgroup analysis of the prevalence of risky sexual behaviour in sub-Saharan Africa based on a random effects model ().

VariablesCategoriesIncluded studySample sizeEstimatedHeterogeneity
Prevalence (95% CI) (%), value

RegionEast Africa15883941.42 (32.79, 50.36)98.61,
West Africa492534.63 (22.27, 48.15)94.31,
South Africa3265114.73 (9.89, 20.34)

CountriesTogo129126 (21, 31)
Kenya2185426 (24, 28)
Ghana126751 (45,57)
Botswana1106512 (10,14)
Ethiopia10433341 (32, 51)97.6,
Nigeria236729 (25, 34)
Uganda2145659 (56, 61)
Namibia1118612 (10, 13)
Tanzania1119630 (27, 33)
South Africa140022 (18, 27)

ART useYes16697338.11 (27.69, 49.11)98.86,
No169830.66 (27.35, 34.18)

Em dash (—) indicates no heterogeneity.