Research Article

Machine Learning-Based Model to Predict Heart Disease in Early Stage Employing Different Feature Selection Techniques

Table 1

Heart disease dataset description.

Serial no.Feature nameCodeDescription

1AgeAGEThe patient’s age in years.
2SexSEXThe patient’s sex: ,
3cpCPTChest pain type: angina,1 = atypical angina, pain,
4trestbpsRBPResting blood pressure (in mm)
5cholCMThe patient’s cholesterol measurement in mg/dl
6fbsFBSThe patient’s fasting blood  mg/dl. ,
7restecgRECResting electrocardiographic results: to note, ST-T wave abnormality, or definite left ventricular hypertrophy
8ThalachMHRMaximum heart rate achieved
9exangEIAExercise-induced angina: ,
10OldpeakOPST depression induced by exercise relative to rest checks the stress of the heart during exercise. The weak heart will stress more.
11SlopePESThe slope of the peak exercise ST segment sloping, 1,
12caNMVNumber of primary vessels (0-3) colored by fluoroscopy.
13thalTSThallium stress result: 1, , defect, defect