Research Article

The Nature of Lexical-Semantic Access in Bilingual Aphasia

Table 6

Description of error types and examples of errors produced in English and Spanish.

English targetSpanish target

No response in nontarget language (1)No response or response of “I don’t know” in the language not being testedTarget: cabbage
Response: No me recuerdo
Target: lechuga
Response: I don’t remember
No response in target language (1.5)No response/response of “I don’t know” in the language in session being testedTarget: glove
Response: I don’t know
Target: media
Response: No sé
Neologism in nontarget language (2)Unrecognized word in any dialect of the language not being tested after correcting for possible phonemic errorsTarget: Counter
Response: clov
Target: tiburón
Response: babberi
Neologism in target language (2.5)Unrecognized word in any dialect of the language being tested after correcting for possible phonemic errorsTarget: shelf
Response: crademan
Target: rastrillo
Response: serame
Perseveration to a nonprobe (3)Repetition at least three times of a neologism or word unrelated to the target and not previously presented to the subject Target: arm
Response: go go
Target: brazo
Response: go go
Perseveration to a probe in session (3.5)Repetition at least three times (in any language) of a word previously presented to the subject but unrelated to the target Target: necklace
Response: baseball (if generated at least twice before)
Target: brazo
Response: ring ring (if generated at least twice before)
Unrelated word in nontarget language (4)Word semantically and phonologically unrelated to the target word in the language not being testedTarget: counter
Response: perro
Target: puerta
Response: berry
Unrelated word in target language (4.5)Word semantically and phonologically unrelated to the target word in the language being testedTarget: hook
Response: coach
Target: jarra
Response: ardilla
Circumlocution in nontarget language (5)Utterance (description) providing semantic information about the target in the language not being testedTarget: hamburger
Response: algo que se come
Target: oso
Response: an animal
Circumlocution in target language (5.5)Utterance (description) providing semantic information about the target in the language being testedTarget: building
Response: a structure
Target: perica
Response: un para hombre
Semantic error in nontarget language (6)Semantic substitution/paraphasia in the language not being testedTarget: mop
Respose: rastrillo
Target: anillo
Response: diamond
Semantic error in target language (6.5)Semantic substitution/paraphasia in the language being testedTarget: pitcher
Response: coffee pot
Target: brazo
Response: mano
Mixed error in nontarget language (7)Combination of two or more errors from analysis criteria in the language not being testedTarget: sword
Response: fecha
Target: mapache
Response: racooco
Mixed error in target language (7.5)Combination of two or more errors from analysis criteria in the language being testedTarget: leg
Response: musolos
Target: hormiga
Response: arinas
Phonemic error in nontarget language (8)Greater than one phonemic substitution or omission in the language not being testedTarget: robe
Response: bete
Target: edificio
Response: build
Phonemic error in target language (8.5)Greater than one phonemic substitution or omission in the language being testedTarget: celery
Response: cerelec
Target: aspiradora
Response: astirador
Correct in nontarget language (9)Correct response (including single phoneme substitutions) in the language not being testedTarget: shelf
Response: estante
Target: taburete
Response: stool
Dysarthric/apractic intelligible response (9.5)Response from a patient with known dysarthria or apraxia
Accent influence in target language (10)Correct response in target language but containing the phonology of the language not being testedTarget: duck
Response: dok ([ ])
Target: pollo
Response: polo ([powlo])
Correct in target language (10.5)Correct response (including single phoneme substitution, addition or omission for aphasic participants only) in the language being testedTarget: giraffe
Response: giraffe
Target: avestruz
Response: avestruzo