Research Article

Functional Assessment of Region-Specific Neglect: Are There Differential Behavioural Consequences of Peripersonal versus Extrapersonal Neglect?

Table 1

Demographical and stroke characteristics per group (nonneglect versus neglect). Groups were made on the basis of performance of a shape cancellation test.

Clinical variables Nonneglect (SD)Neglect (SD)

Group size8137
Gender (male)55.3%55.2%
Age in years 56.0 (12.1)59.0 (12.7)
Time poststroke in days35.8 (37.3)40.8 (32.6)
Hemisphere of stroke (L/R)61.1%/34.7%127.0/67.6%2
MMSE (0–30)26.4 (4.1)24.1 (6.5)
Barthel Index (0–20)14.6 (4.9)11.8 (5.5)
Motricity Index arm (0–100)67.5 (38.2)60.1 (43.6)
Motricity Index leg (0–100)74.4 (34.2)63.6 (37.7)
CBS average total score (0–30)2.9 (4.9)9.2 (8.0)

MMSE: Mini-Mental State Examination; CBS: Catherine Bergego Scale; 1two patients had bilateral lesions; 2one patient had bilateral lesions.