Clinical Study

Preclinical Polymodal Hallucinations for 13 Years before Dementia with Lewy Bodies

Table 3

Neuropsychological test results.

TestBG’s raw scoreMaximum scoreImpairment

 Mini mental state examination (MMSE)29/30
 Raven coloured progressive matrices 19/36
Executive functioning
 Wisconsin card sorting test (WCST)118/128Impaired
 Trail making test (TMT)
  Part A128 s(mean 89.20 s)Impaired
  Part B378 s(mean 211.3 s)Impaired
 Weigl test2/15Impaired
 Cognitive estimates (bizarre errors) 7/21Impaired
 Verbal fluency (phonological one)30(mean 25.96)
 Verbal fluency (semantic one)17(mean 11.78)
 Digit span backward4
 Short-term memory
  Digit span forward5(mean 5.2)
  Corsi’s block tapping test4(mean 3.79)
 Anterograde memory
  Prose memory7/16
  Rey-Osterrieth complex figure recall11.5/36
  Paired associated word couples 8.5/22.5
  Corsi supraspan6.18/29.16
 Semantic memory
  Picture to picture matching task28/30
  Words to words matching task 30/30
  Vocabulary test 15/15
Visual attention
 Bell’s test 33/35
 Digit cancellation test39/60
 Aachener aphasia test (AAT)
  Token test3/50
  Written language86/90
 Orofacial apraxia 20/20
 Ideomotor apraxia (right)72/72
 Ideomotor apraxia (left)72/72
Visual perception
 Birmingham Object Recognition Battery
  Minimal feature view task25/25
  Object decision task 100/128Impaired
  Associative match task30/30
 Discrimination of scribbles32/32
 Picture naming 68/80
 Navon’s letters30/60Impaired
Visuospatial and constructional functions
 Dot counting (VOSP)9/10
 Copy of geometrical figures12/14
 Rey-Osterrieth complex figure (copy)23.5/36Impaired
 Finger localization test18/24

Impaired performances in the impairment column correspond to scores below the 5th percentile.
VOSP: Visual Object Space Perception Battery.