Research Article

Behavioral Disorder amongst Adolescents Attending Secondary School in Southeast Nigeria

Table 2

Frequency distribution of the respondents by adolescent problems and specific manifestation of behavioral problems.

VariableFrequency ( = 764)Percent (100)

Number of times you had tobacco (cigarette) in past 3 months
 0 days69891.4
 9 days and below385.0
 10 days and above283.7
Number of times you have taken a prescription drug in your life
 0 times58676.7
 1 to 9 times11314.8
 10 times and above658.5
Duration of not going to school the past 30 days because of your safety in school or on your way to school
 0 days66486.9
 3 days and below8811.5
 4 days and above121.6
Importance of finishing high school to you
 Very important68689.8
 Not very important30.4
Number of persons you had sexual intercourse with in past 3 months
 Never had sexual intercourse64284.0
 Had sexual intercourse, but not in the last 3 months8611.3
 1–3 persons293.8
 4 persons and above70.9