Research Article

Life after Adolescent and Adult Moderate and Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: Self-Reported Executive, Emotional, and Behavioural Function 2–5 Years after Injury

Table 8

Associations between main composite scores on BRIEF-A and ASR 2–5 years after moderate and severe TBI and neuropsychological test performance 3 months after injury.

Dependent variable
Regression coefficient for worse outcome

Independent variable
Estimate95% confidence interval value

 Processing speed470.015−0.143−0.492 to 0.2050.413
 Attention470.001−0.077−0.831 to 0.6780.839
 Memory460.0080.112−0.268 to 0.4910.556
 Executive function480.012−0.167−0.626 to 0.2910.467
 Processing speed470.015−0.138−0.470 to 0.1940.408
 Attention470.006−0.187−0.887 to 0.5130.594
 Memory460.0040.074−0.285 to 0.4330.679
 Executive function480.011−0.155−0.592 to 0.2810.478
 Processing speed470.010−0.115 −0.454 to 0.2240.497
 Attention470.0000.011−0.723 to 0.7450.976
 Memory460.0130.137−0.225 to 0.5000.449
 Executive function480.009−0.146−0.591 to 0.2990.513
ASR Total problems
 Processing speed460.0000.059−0.753 to 0.8720.883
 Attention460.0000.065−1.627 to 1.7560.939
 Memory460.0460.588−0.229 to 1.4050.154
 Executive function470.0020.145−0.933 to 1.2230.788
ASR Internalizing problems
 Processing speed460.0100.106−0.209 to 0.4210.501
 Attention460.0000.043−0.620 to 0.7050.897
 Memory460.0600.260−0.054 to 0.5750.102
 Executive function470.0080.126−0.291 to 0.5430.545
ASR Externalizing problems
 Processing speed460.001−0.033−0.291 to 0.2250.798
 Attention460.002−0.086−0.628 to 0.4560.750
 Memory460.0200.125−0.138 to 0.3880.344
 Executive function470.0000.024−0.318 to 0.3670.887

Given in -scores.
BRI: Behaviour Regulation Index, GEC: Global Executive Composite, MI: Metacognitive Index, and TBI: Traumatic Brain Injury.