Research Article

Assessment of Hair Aluminum, Lead, and Mercury in a Sample of Autistic Egyptian Children: Environmental Risk Factors of Heavy Metals in Autism

Table 5

The relationship between risk factors and lead level among cases.

VariablesLead level (mg/kg)P
RangeMean ± SD

Age group
 <6 years0.005–17.1302.98 ± 4.120.811
 ≥6 years0.005–21.9243.24 ± 4.52
Artificial feeding
 Positive0.313–17.1302.69 ± 3.730.590
 Negative0.005–21.9243.31 ± 4.56
 Positive0.005–21.9243.48 ± 4.920.507
 Negative0.005–16.7112.79 ± 3.68
Lead pipes
 Positive0.005–21.9243.29 ± 4.440.175
 Negative0.005–2.5571.04 ± 0.97
Nearby gasoline stations
 Positive0.739–16.7117.29 ± 7.410.047
 Negative0.005–21.9242.88 ± 4.02
Fish consumption per month
 None0.313–8.7503.26 ± 2.73 0.802
 Once per month0.005–21.9242.62 ± 4.82
 2–4 times per month0.005–17.1303.49 ± 4.71
 >4 times per month0.744–4.3962.02 ± 1.66

Mann-Whitney test, Kruskal-Wallis test.