Research Article

Cognitive Impairment and Brain Imaging Characteristics of Patients with Congenital Cataracts, Facial Dysmorphism, Neuropathy Syndrome

Table 6

Correlation coefficients between MRI severity score and the results of neuropsychological tests in patients with CCFDN.

MRI severity score

RAVLT immediate recall
RAVLT delayed recall−0,288
RAVLT recognition −0,408
TOL, total move score0,180
TOL, total correct score−0,153
TOL, total rule violation−0,139
TOL, total time violation−0,287
TOL, initiation time−0,210
TOL, execution time−0,230
TOL, total problem solving time−0,152
Semantic verbal fluency “animals”0,135
Phonemic verbal fluency “M”−0,098

value < 0.05—statistically significant.