Research Article

Patterns of Objective and Subjective Burden of Informal Caregivers in Multiple Sclerosis

Table 3

Factors associated with informal care burden and with formal care provision.

Multivariate model ():Linear regression Logit
Objective burden
Subjective burden
Formal care support

(1) Patient variables
 EDSSa1.2 (0.002)2 (0.02)0.8 (0.004)
 DEXa0.1 (0.03)0.6 (<0.001)−0.004 (ns)
 Urinary Intermittent catheterisationb0.8 (ns)3.9 (ns)−0.9 (ns)
 MS durationa −0.13 (0.08)−0.2 (ns)0.02 (ns)

(2) Caregiver variables
 Genderb (ref. male)3.3 (0.03)4.1 (ns)−0.8 (ns)
 Coresidencyb4.5 (0.01)−2.5 (ns)0.1 (ns)
 Conflicting roleb−1.2 (ns)1.6 (ns)−0.2 (ns)
 SF12-MCSa−0.08 (ns)−0.5 (<0.001)−0.05 (ns)
 SF12-PCSa−0.2 (ns)−0.3 (ns)−0.06 (ns)

(3) Socioeconomic variable
 Formal care support at homeb0.1 (ns)4.5 (ns)
AIC (block1) = 663AIC (block1) = 533
AIC (block1-2) = 632AIC (block1-2) = 519
AIC (block1-2-3) = 626AIC (block1-2-3) = 505

Note: results show estimates of unstandardized beta coefficients for the two linear full regression models and of log odds for the logit model; values in brackets are specified when , and they are nonsignificant (ns) otherwise.
Interpretation: for continuous variables, for example, the expected change in ICT per 1-unit increment in EDSS is 1.2 hours and bfor dichotomic variables, for example, the expected change in ICT when the caregiver is a female is 3.3 hours.
Note: ICT = informal care time; ZBI = Zarit Burden Inventory; AIC = Akaike Information Criterion.