Research Article

The Influence of Executive Functioning on Facial and Subjective Pain Responses in Older Adults

Table 4

Specificity of the association between executive functioning and facial or subjective responses to noxious stimulation (200 and 400 kPa).

Criterion variablePressure intensityPredictor variablesSignificance of ()

Facial expression20050Block 1Memory & speed.349
50Block 2Executive functioning.438.089.044
40051Block 1Memory & speed.005
51Block 2Executive functioning.067.063.198

NRS rating20051Block 1Memory & speed.307
51Block 2Executive functioning.335.028.293
40051Block 1Memory & speed.229
51Block 2Executive functioning.281.052.184

Results of blockwise regression analyses are presented. NRS: numerical rating scale.