Research Article

Assessing Cognitive Ability and Simulator-Based Driving Performance in Poststroke Adults

Table 3

The between-group analysis of D-KEFS TMT variables.

VariablesPoststroke driverControlst valuedf value

Visual scanning (D-KEFS TMT 1)377.383.624310.902.17−5.1957.060.001
Numerical sequencing and visual attention (D-KEFS TMT 2)379.083.754311.473.01−3.16780.003
Letter sequencing, visual attention, and visuomotor
abilities (D-KEFS TMT 3)
Cognitive flexibility and executive function (D-KEFS TMT 4)378.274.434311.652.35−4.1652.860.001
Motor and processing speed (D-KEFS TMT 5)379.682.924312.021.71−4.3056.260.001
Combined number sequencing and letter
sequencing (D-KEFS TMT 2 + TMT 3)

nMedianMeanIQRnMedianMeanIQR value
D-KEFS cognitive flexibility and executive function
contrast score (D-KEFS TMT 4–2 & 3)

value < 0.05. value < 0.001.