Research Article

Neuroprotective Effect of DAHP via Antiapoptosis in Cerebral Ischemia

Figure 5

Expression levels for some inflammation cytokines in the rat cortex in penumbral and stroke areas were quantified by IOD with Image Pro Plus 6.0 software. (a) DAHP downregulated the caspase-3 expression (, versus the DAHP-treated group). Ischemic reperfusion induced a substantial caspase-3 expression (, versus the sham group), which was significantly attenuated by DAHP but not vehicle treatment and MCAO groups (, , versus the DAHP-treated group). (b) DAHP increased Bcl-2 expression. The total Bcl-2 expression was significantly increased 24 h after ischemic reperfusion in the DAHP group (, , versus the DAHP-treated group), relative to MCAO or vehicle treatment. (c) DAHP reduced TNF-α expression. Ischemic reperfusion induced a substantial increase in TNF-α expression (, versus the sham group), which reduced in the DAHP-treated group (, , versus the DAHP-treated group). (d) DAHP attenuated iNOS expression. Ischemic reperfusion induced a substantial increase in iNOS expression (, versus the sham group), which was significantly attenuated by DAHP (, , versus the DAHP-treated group). (e) DAHP induced COX-2 expression; DAHP increased COX-2 expression (, , versus the DAHP-treated group).