
Corrigendum to “Mechanism of Restoration of Forelimb Motor Function after Cervical Spinal Cord Hemisection in Rats: Electrophysiological Verification”

Table 1

Existence or nonexistence of CMAPs in the group of rats for preliminary experiment and the group of rats for assessment over time after C5 hemisection.

Stimulated sideRecorded sideRats for preliminary experiment (15 rats)Assessment over time after C5 hemisection
Posthemisection 1 week (3 rats)Posthemisection 2 weeks (3 rats)Posthemisection 4 weeks (3 rats)Posthemisection 6 weeks (3 rats)

Rt pyramidRt flex0/152/32/33/33/3
Rt ext0/152/32/33/33/3
Lt flex15/153/33/33/33/3
Lt ext15/153/33/33/33/3

Lt pyramidRt flex15/153/33/33/33/3
Rt ext15/153/33/33/33/3
Lt flex0/152/32/33/33/3
Lt ext0/152/32/33/33/3