Research Article

Sociodemographic, Clinical Variables, and Quality of Life in Patients with Epilepsy in Mekelle City, Northern Ethiopia

Table 2

QOLIE-31 subscale score among patients with epilepsy in ACSH and Mekelle Hospital.

Subscale of QOLIE-31Mean (SD)

Seizure worry82.17 (22.76)
Over all QOL70.97 (26.43)
Emotional wellbeing73.83 (22.35)
Energy/fatigue75.25 (17.88)
Cognitive80.06 (24.24)
Medication effect86.20 (22.12)
Social function81.68 (27.03)
Total score77.97 (20.78)

SD = standard deviation; QOLIE = quality of life in epilepsy. Independent sample t-test was performed to show the significance of sociodemographic parameter, drug therapy, presence or absence of seizure, and adverse drug reaction on mean total QOL score of QOLIE-31.