Research Article

Cognitive and Emotional Empathy in Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury

Table 1

Questionnaires’ means and standard deviations and comparisons between SCI patients and controls.

SCI patients ()Controls ()Comparisons

STAI-Y: State40.815.634.18.41.698 (0.098)
STAI-Y: Trait41.511. (0.256)
TAS45.613.047.48.3-.503 (0.618)
BDI6. (0.096)
IRI83.311.387.710.4-.693 (0.492)
IRI Fantasy17.85.419.76.1-1.006 (0.321)
IRI Perspective-Taking24.63.721.24.02.751 (0.009)
IRI Personal Distress16.75.519.34.6-1.580 (0.122)
IRI Empathic Concern26.14.527.53.2-1.113 (0.273)

Notes: SD = standard deviation; TAS = Toronto Alexithymia Scale; BDI = Beck Depression Inventory; IRI = Interpersonal Reactivity Index.